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Write to us

Here at TEE Towers we're always happy to listen to and hear what you say. Maybe you want to tell us how good the book is (which would be nice). We would like to hear from you on the following:


More typical errors. Perhaps you have heard examples many times over that perhaps you think should get a mention in any future edition? Let us know by email what the error is and we'll publish it here on the website.


Suggestions for more grammar goodies and vexing vocabulary


More in-depth explanations from the good doctor. Doctor Dorothy Fullstop would be quite happy to expand on some grammar points that perhaps you want to know a little more about.


Exercises. Got any interesting suggestions for exercises for our English language students to try out?


Are you sure that's right? TEE Towers has done its best to ensure that everything was correct in the book at the time of going to press, but maybe you believe we have not got it right somewhere. Indeed, some have already spotted a few things and we are all now hiding in a dark cupboard. Click below.


Do write to me at the official address for any suggestions.

All media on this website is © Roger Hartopp/Tertium publishing group 2025, except where noted that they are copyright of a contributor.

Please do not copy without permission. If you do decide to use one of my cartoons for demonstration purposes, or create a link directly to one of my cartoons held on this site, then do please credit where you got it from. Me. Those are the rules, I'm afraid...

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