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How well do you know your public holidays and festivals in the United States? In the final of four parts (two on the UK and two on the USA), see how many you can get. If you're a native speaker, this is so-so easy! (although if you're British, I think this is quite difficult.) But the subject is one of those chosen by various educational authorities in Poland as a test in the English language...


For a Word version of this quiz, click here.


1. Whose birthday is on February 12?

a) St. Valentine              

b) Abraham Lincoln

c) Martin Luther King                  

d) George Washington


2. Mother’s Day is a fixed day in the United States. When does it take place?

a) The third Friday in March      

b) The first Saturday in April      

c) The second Sunday in May    

d) The fourth Monday in June


3. What day was originally known as Decoration Day?

a) Memorial Day           

b) Christmas Day

c) Independence Day                  

d) Election Day


4. What is Ascension Day?

a) The day Ascension island was bombed in the Pacific, bringing the US into the Second World War

b) The day that is forty days after the resurrection                          

c) The adoption of the Declaration of independence

d) The ascension of the US president, celebrated after Election Day


5. Union General John A. Logan designated a day, which became the last Monday in May, as what?

a) Decoration Day/Memorial Day           

b) VE Day         

c) Veterans Day

d) Thanksgiving


6. The first Sunday in December is known as…?

a) Christmas    

b) Advent         

c) Cinco de Mayo         

d) Washington’s birthday


7. On 14 June, President Truman signed a bill calling for this day to be a holiday, but only Pennsylvania celebrates this. What day?

a) Father’s Day

b) Flag Day

c) VE day

d) Lincoln’s Birthday


8. The third Monday in February is…?

a) Valentine’s Day

b) Washington’s Birthday

c) Mardi Gras

d) VE-Day


9. Christopher Columbus’ landing in the new world is recognised on…?

a) The second Monday in October

b) The first Monday in May

c) The last day in December

d) October 31


10. When is Independence Day celebrated?

a) June 4

b) June 30

c) July 1

d) July 4


11. What was Veterans Day previously known as?

a) Armistice Day

b) VE Day

c) Ascension Day

d) Remembrance Day


12. Which of these events in the US is also formally celebrated in the UK?

a) Epiphany

b) Lincoln’s Birthday

c) Good Friday

d) Labor Day


Answers to all the quizzes can be found here.


Quizzes and exercises   US Part 1   Word version of US part 2  UK Part 1 

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